PoduevaDistribution transformer manufacturerMethod of weighing

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If the above provisions are not met, the problem of dryness shall be solved. Generally, it is OK to operate the centrifugal fan for a period of time. Check the cleanliness of the power transformer. If too much dust is found, it must be eliminated to ensure indoor ventilation and avoid insulation penetration. In particular, pay attention to cleaning the insulators of the power transformer and the top and bottom ends of winding resistance installation. Portable centrifugal fan or dry air compression or N2 shall be used to clean the dust in indoor space that is not easy to reach, such as ventilation duct, and there shall be no dirt.

Power transformer is one of the key equipment in power station and substation. The function of power transformer is in all aspects. It can not only raise the voltage and send electromagnetic energy to the power consumption area, but also reduce the voltage to each application voltage, so as to meet the needs of power consumption. In short, voltage transformation and blood pressure reduction must be carried out by the transformer.

Podueva.Maintenance contents of power transformer

The voltage regulating tap changer is not in place or poor

.When the screw of the through core extruder holding the iron core of the transformer is loose, there are screw cap parts left on the iron core, or small metal materials fall into the transformer, the transformer will send out & ldquo; Ding Ding Dang & rdquo; Or & ldquo; Call & hellip; Call & hellip& rdquo; Blowing sound and its & ldquo; Squeak, squeak & rdquo; It's like a magnet sucking a small washer, while the working voltage current and temperature of the transformer are all normal. Such conditions generally do not endanger all normal operation of the transformer, and can be solved until power failure.

The power transformer is designed according to the temperature protection scheme. The embedded parts in the material layer of high (low) pressure electromagnetic coil poured with integral concrete are provided with longitudinal ventilation duct, which can be equipped with air-cooled machinery and equipment (cooling centrifugal fan). After selecting air-cooled machinery and equipment, the output capacity can be increased by 20%.

The tail end of the high-voltage winding head and the middle tap are made of copper inserts and embedded parts, with good strength and stiffness, which is conducive to adjusting the data and has a unique and neat style.

PoduevaDistribution transformer manufacturerMethod of weighing

Avoid aging and damage of power transformer iron core insulation: aging of iron core insulation or damage of waterproof sleeve holding anchor bolt will cause large vortex of iron core, and long-term scalding of iron core will lead to insulation aging.

Automatic system of centrifugal fan: measure the temperature data signal according to the PT100 thermistor temperature measuring resistor of the embedded parts at the hot part of the bottom pressure winding. The transformer load expands and the operating temperature increases. When the winding temperature reaches 110 ℃, the system software automatically starts the centrifugal fan for refrigeration; When the winding temperature is as low as 90 ℃, the system software will automatically terminate the centrifugal fan.

Power transformer is an idealized supporting facility transformer for medium cabinet and high-voltage cabinet at the present stage, commerce, airports, tunnel construction, which can be equipped with air-cooled machinery and equipment (cooling centrifugal fan). After selecting air-cooled machinery and equipment, the output capacity can be increased by 20%.

In the whole process of transmitting electromagnetic energy in the power supply system, it will inevitably cause the loss of voltage and output power. When transporting the same output power, the voltage loss is inversely proportional to the voltage, and the output power loss is inversely proportional to the square meter of voltage. The transformer is used to increase the voltage and reduce the closing damage.

PoduevaDistribution transformer manufacturerMethod of weighing

For example, in the 1970s the radio programs applied by every family in the countryside had a ground wire, and they were often wet with tap water. Protective grounding is to bury the copper plate of metal electrical conductor in the soil layer, and then lead a point of it out of the road with transmission line, which completes the grounding protection. The grounding wire specifies the grounding wire resistance ≤ 4Ω. Grounding protection is a safeguard measure adopted to avoid safety accidents when using household appliances, office and other electrical equipment.

quality index.Naturally, if the oil immersed transformer catches fire, please don't panic. I firmly believe that the damage will be reduced to a lower level as long as the above methods are effectively rectified. Above is the general process and process that should be paid special attention to in the whole ignition process of the oil immersed transformer. When the oil immersed transformer catches fire, please be rational to make the oil immersed transformer safer and more efficient.

The iron loss of transformer includes two levels. The first is the hysteresis loss introduced by the transformer manufacturer. When the AC circuit is based on the transformer, according to the magnetic induction line of the transformer ferrite core, its orientation and size change with the change, which promotes the internal molecular structure of the ferrite core to interact with each other,PoduevaHow much is a 200 KVA box transformer, releases energy, and then loses part of electromagnetic energy, which is the hysteresis loss. The other is the vortex loss when the transformer is working.

The iron core of power transformer is made of high-quality crystallized hot-rolled ferrite core, which is stacked at the 45 degree fully inclined multi-step interface. The surface is covered with epoxy resin adhesive cable sheath coating, which is resistant to corrosion and rust, and has sound insulation and noise reduction.

Podueva.The power transformer is composed of two or more electromagnetic coils wound around the same transformer core. The winding resistance is connected according to the alternating electromagnetic field and works according to the basic principle of magnetic effect of current. The installation position of power transformer shall be considered to be conducive to operation, and a reliable area shall be selected at the same time. The rated capacity of the transformer must be effectively used when applying the transformer.

The hanging core of dry-type transformer is a vital part

With the rapid development of society and the continuous development trend of computers, the calculation of data in the whole process of oil immersed transformer wave has long had results. Only effective selection of calculation entity models and methods is needed,PoduevaPower transformer picture, the accuracy of calculation conclusions can meet the needs of architectural design, and scientific and reasonable data method is selected Not only can the current distribution of the oil immersed transformer be clearly defined in the development stage, but also the winding and other structures of the oil immersed transformer can be effectively arranged and distributed in a certain scope, which greatly facilitates the design scheme of the oil immersed transformer and ensures the stability of operation.