MalingaHow much is a 250kVA box transformerGrasp the cause of wear and easily repair

announcer:hp122HP117294921 release time:2024-03-16 12:31:57

In specific daily life, we have a certain understanding of the optical wavelength of oil immersed transformer. What kind of function does it have for transformer?

In the whole process of transmitting electromagnetic energy in the power supply system, it will inevitably cause the loss of voltage and output power. When transporting the same output power, the voltage loss is inversely proportional to the voltage, and the output power loss is inversely proportional to the square meter of voltage. The transformer is used to increase the voltage and reduce the closing damage.

Malinga.The step-up dry-type transformer refers to the instantaneous operation of voltage. At this stage, there are few manufacturers of dry-type transformer that can reasonably guarantee the instantaneous step-up in China. The step-up dry-type transformer has strong step-up capacity and good practical effect. The difference depends on that the transformer power switch without excitation regulator does not have the ability to change gear with load. Because this kind of tap power switch can cut off the whole process in a short time during the whole process of gear change, cutting off the load current will cause arc burning between circuit breakers, tap power on and off or short circuit fault, so the dry-type transformer shall be powered off during regulation. Therefore, it is generally used as a dry-type transformer that is not very strict in voltage regulation and does not need to be adjusted frequently.

The insulating layer in the middle of the silicon steel plate is aging, the anchor bolt cover with the iron core is damaged, the iron core causes large vortex,MalingaScb10 dry type transformer, temperature rise, and the aging of the insulating layer is accelerated. The core insulation compressive strength of power transformer must be measured on time and accurately. If it is found that the insulation compressive strength is less than the index value, please remove and replace the anchor bolt cover or carry out insulation for the copper core cable.

.For the installation of lightning rod it is very easy to damage the relay protection inside and outside of dry-type transformer by lightning. If it is a serious situation, it is very easy to cause fire accidents, power failure, damage to machinery and equipment, etc.

After the test, connect the data signal contact of the automobile relay with the alarm circuit, the pull-in contact with the opening circuit, and adjust the overcurrent protection value.

In relay protection dry-type transformer,MalingaAbout transformer, the disconnection of the fault point is related to each other. In a word, if there is any problem at a certain point, it will affect the whole power circuit

MalingaHow much is a 250kVA box transformerGrasp the cause of wear and easily repair

The heat discharge pipe of heat pipe radiator is generally made of slotted seamless steel pipe after flattening by stamping die. When the heat discharge pipe is bent and welded by electric welding, oil leakage is often caused. This is due to the supporting force on the surface of the pipe and the working pressure on the inner cavity when stamping the heat discharge pipe.

The appropriate power saving calculation formula should be derived from the following process: active power loss of large capacity transformer: load of large capacity transformer; PDK - short-circuit fault loss of large capacity transformer, kW. Active power loss of small capacity transformer: when a pump room is in normal operation, and each pump is driven by 100kW motor, so the usual load is 200 KW, and the capacity utilization rate introduced by the transformer manufacturer is only 34%

Analysis of common faults of oil immersed transformer:

Installation materials.The no-load impulse closing working voltage shall not exceed 5% of the working voltage marked on the gear of the transformer, the closing frequency shall be 5 times, the delay time after power receiving shall not be less than 10min, and the time interval of each closing shall not be less than 5min.

Common problems of tap changer of power transformer

(III) dry type transformers of 315KVA and below can be installed on poles. The distance between its bottom end and the road surface shall not be less than 5m; The distance between the electrified part and the road surface shall not be less than 5m.

MalingaHow much is a 250kVA box transformerGrasp the cause of wear and easily repair

Turn off the gate valve (butterfly valve) of the left and right tablet computers of the heat pipe radiator to isolate the oil in the heat pipe radiator from the oil in the tank so as to reduce the working pressure and leakage. After the leakage location is determined, appropriate surface treatment shall be carried out, and then Fushi blue raw materials shall be selected for sealing treatment.

technical service.Oil leakage of cast iron parts

Two point grounding device of iron core caused by residual welding scar;

If the power transformer stops running for more than 72h (if the allowable time should be reduced when the ambient humidity is & amp; gt; 95%) it should be insulated before putting into use, and accurately measured with a 2500V grounding megger. The insulation resistance from the primary side to the secondary side and the ground should be ^ 300mfl, the insulation resistance from the secondary side to the ground should be ^ 100mh, and the insulation resistance from the iron core to the ground should be & amp; gt; 5mfl (note that the grounding device piece should be removed).

Malinga.When the transformer is put into operation, if the tap changer is not in time, a great & ldquo; Tweet & rdquo; The high-voltage fuse is broken when the noise is serious; If the tap changer is defective, it will cause mild & ldquo; Squeak & rdquo; Corona discharge sound, once the load increases, it is likely to burn the circuit breaker of the tap changer. In case of such situation, power off immediately for maintenance.

Use fiber materials to seal the bolts to achieve the goal of controlling leakage. The other is to screw out the bolt (nut),MalingaWhat is the price of 1600KVA transformer, wipe the Fushi blue film remover on the surface, and then tighten it after wiping the raw materials on the surface. After drying, the treatment goal can be achieved.

Dry type transformer factory