EsselsteinTwo roll hydraulic fully automatic plate rolling machineWhat are the characteristics of the product

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Elevators are used to transport firefighters, passengers, and fire-fighting equipment in the event of a fire. They are used to transport frozen goods in large cold storage or refrigeration workshops. However, they need to meet the requirements of sealing the door leaves and guide rails at the moving parts. Professional household elevators, villa household elevators, household elevator manufacturers, safe, and maintenance free performance, and their technical level has reached the domestic level,EsselsteinHousehold traction small elevator, Meet the advanced level of international similar products and immersion requirements

Aircraft weighing tens or hundreds of tons in the elevator hangar are vertically lifted onto the airport runway

Esselstein.Multiple elevator shafts can be connected and an 18-20 # I-beam can be fixed at a certain height between each adjacent elevator shaft, with the same position as the ring beam. The pit must be equipped with an isolation net that is 2500mm above the ground level.

These phenomena are not elevator malfunctions. When the elevator is fully loaded, the elevator does not stop: to avoid overloading, the elevator car no longer responds to the next station's outbound call.

.Elevator does not close the door or repeatedly opens and closes the door: there are debris blocking the light curtain or door contact plate at the entrance or sill.

Aircraft weighing tens or hundreds of tons in the elevator hangar are vertically lifted onto the airport runway

When accidentally trapped in an elevator, one should remain calm, press the alarm bell inside the elevator, and call the elevator emergency rescue phone or community property phone for help. Do not open doors or mess with buttons, and patiently wait for rescue.

EsselsteinTwo roll hydraulic fully automatic plate rolling machineWhat are the characteristics of the product

Passengers wearing long skirts and strapping sandals when riding on the escalator should try to stand slightly in the middle of the escalator to prevent shoes and clothing from being drawn into the escalator and causing danger, and to prevent skirts or pants from getting stuck.

Restore the command button function in the cabin for firefighters to operate.

Factors to consider when choosing a household elevator: 1. Safety. Generally, brand elevators must have third-party testing, and elevators that have been inspected by professional organizations are safe, reliable, and guaranteed to be used with peace of mind. In addition when choosing to purchase villa elevators, it is important to understand the safety components and configuration of this elevator. The essential safety equipment in the villa elevator includes a backup power supply and an emergency call outside telephone system to ensure the safety of private users on the elevator.

resources.The gantry elevator is used in the door legs of large gantry cranes to transport workers and maintenance components inside the gantry crane

The gantry elevator is used in the door legs of large gantry cranes to transport workers and maintenance components inside the gantry crane

Elevator Tip 1: Why elevators can trap people? Every elevator door on each floor has a safety switch which can trigger the elevator to shut down in case of any abnormality. The elevator getting stuck is actually when the system detects an abnormal signal and triggers a protective device, like braking to stop.

EsselsteinTwo roll hydraulic fully automatic plate rolling machineWhat are the characteristics of the product

When accidentally trapped in an elevator, one should remain calm, press the alarm bell inside the elevator,EsselsteinSightseeing elevator household use, and call the elevator emergency rescue phone or community property phone for help. Do not open doors or mess with buttons and patiently wait for rescue.

Free consultation.In daily life, elevators are a commonly used tool that brings us a lot of convenience. But how much do you know about the types and safety knowledge of elevators?

In the event of a fire, when instructed by the fire center or the dedicated operation button of the first floor firefighter to enter the firefighting state, the elevator should immediately stop at the floor without opening the door, and then return to the first floor station and automatically open the elevator door.

Overloaded elevators do not operate: The load of elevators is limited, and if they are overweight, they will alarm and generally cannot be started. Most passengers can also voluntarily exit.

Esselstein.The elevator stops on the first floor and the door does not move: the fire emergency landing function of the elevator is triggered by smoke or thermal sensors inside the building.

There are many similar situations in daily life, such as forcefully opening the door inside the car, causing the circuit to disconnect and forcing the elevator to stop, resulting in people being trapped. For example, if the elevator frequently enters and exits during decoration and falls into the crack of the door, the elevator hall door may not be tightly closed, and after several consecutive doors are opened and closed, the elevator will stop. Professional quality assurance for home elevator manufacturers. Discount activities are underway, and new and old customers are welcome to come for consultation

Elevators are used to transport firefighters, passengers, and fire-fighting equipment in the event of a fire. They are used to transport frozen goods in large cold storage or refrigeration workshops. However, they need to meet the requirements of sealing the door leaves and guide rails at the moving parts. Professional household elevators, villa household elevators, household elevator manufacturers, and small household elevators have stable, safe, reliable, and their technical level has reached the domestic level, Meet the advanced level of international similar products and immersion requirements