SwederuTransformer boxFaults and elimination methods in daily work

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Loose core screw

Difference between dry-type transformer and oil immersed transformer:

Swederu.Once the insulation material of electrical equipment is overheated, the surrounding gas will cause a kind of odor. This kind of odor can be sniffed out by normal patrol staff. When you smell such odor during normal inspection, you should carefully inspect the equipment and parts until you find out the cause.

If the power transformer stops running for more than 72h (if the allowable time should be reduced when the ambient humidity is & amp; gt; 95%), it should be insulated before putting into use, and accurately measured with a 2500V grounding megger. The insulation resistance from the primary side to the secondary side and the ground should be ^ 300mfl, the insulation resistance from the secondary side to the ground should be ^ 100mh, and the insulation resistance from the iron core to the ground should be & amp; gt; 5mfl (note that the grounding device piece should be removed).

.Oil leakage of porcelain pot and laminated glass oil level gauge

(5) the installation position of secondary commercial insurance of transformer on column and ground shall meet the following requirements: if there is an disconnector on the secondary side, it shall be installed between the disconnector and low-voltage composite insulator, it shall be installed on both sides of the low-voltage composite insulator, and the insulated cable jumper shall be connected to the insulated cable on both sides of the circuit breaker.

How much is the power transformer

SwederuTransformer boxFaults and elimination methods in daily work

The insulating layer in the middle of the silicon steel plate is aging, the anchor bolt cover with the iron core is damaged, the iron core causes large vortex, resulting in heat, and the aging of the insulating layer is accelerated. The core insulation compressive strength of power transformer must be measured on time and accurately. If it is found that the insulation compressive strength is less than the index value, please remove and replace the anchor bolt cover or carry out insulation for the copper core cable.

The iron loss of transformer includes two levels. The first is the hysteresis loss introduced by the transformer manufacturer. When the AC circuit is based on the transformer,SwederuHigh voltage oil immersed transformer, according to the magnetic induction line of the transformer ferrite core, its orientation and size change with the change, which promotes the internal molecular structure of the ferrite core to interact with each other, releases energy, and then loses part of electromagnetic energy, which is the hysteresis loss. The other is the vortex loss when the transformer is working.

What is the reason for the shutdown of power transformer?

investment.After sampling, bind the laminated glass stopper firmly with clean paper or cloth to prevent dirt and water from contaminating the bottle stopper.

The plastic shells of electrical products and office supplies are equipped with grounding wires. If the insulation layer is damaged and the shell is energized,SwederuPower recovery transformer, the electric flow will leak into the earth along the installed grounding wires, so as to achieve the purpose of safety,SwederuTransformer distribution room, otherwise it will have an adverse impact on life safety.

Outdoor sampling shall be carried out in sunny days or dry weather with low environmental humidity. During sampling, it is necessary to resolutely prevent the invasion of dirt such as rain, snow wind and sand.

SwederuTransformer boxFaults and elimination methods in daily work

The conductor insulation of power transformer is the main part of internal insulation. Some conductors should pass through the middle of electromagnetic coil, or between electromagnetic coil, iron yoke clamp and automobile oil tank wall. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that this kind of conductor has sufficient insulation compressive strength, i.e. insulation spacing.

The cheapest.Method and process of taking oil sample of power transformer

Visual inspection method for transformer inspection

The voltage regulating tap changer is not in place or poor

Swederu.The vibration reduction of collecting and townhouse solves the soft connection of collecting and townhouse. For the copper bar of the low-voltage bus of the equipment, the electromagnetic induced noise oscillation may be transmitted from the townhouse to the building structure. The core of noise reduction solution must be changed to copper wire connection.

The main reason is that the welding quality of electric welding is poor, there are empty welding, open welding, needle holes sand holes and other shortcomings in welding. The oil transformer is easy to be covered with welding powder and paint when leaving the factory, and the potential safety hazards are exposed after operation. In addition